Thursday, January 22, 2009

Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage

Excerpts from an article in AARP Bulletin Today, by Patricia Barry, October 24, 2008

Before deciding whether to sign up for Medicare drug coverage, you need to understand how the program works together as a whole. Grasping the big picture makes it easier to deal with the details.

Who can get Medicare drug coverage?
Anyone on Medicare (with either Part A or Part B) is entitled to drug coverage (known as Part D) regardless of income. No physical exams are required. You cannot be denied for health reasons or because you already use a lot of prescription drugs.

Do I have to sign up?
For most people, joining Part D is voluntary. However, if you now get your drugs from Medicaid, you must get them from a Medicare drug plan as soon as you become eligible for Medicare.
You won’t need to sign up if you have other drug coverage that is better than Medicare’s—for example, benefits from a current or former employer or union. (See Deciding Whether You Need Part D.)
But if you don’t have other drug coverage that’s considered as good as Medicare, and you delay signing up, you’ll incur a late penalty that adds to your premiums for as long as you’re in the program, except in certain circumstances.
Related Questions:
What is the late enrollment penalty?
Can I wait and sign up later when I need coverage?
How can I avoid a late penalty?
How do I tell if my current coverage is better or worse than Medicare’s?
For answers to these questions and to read the entire article, click on the following link:

This article includes a lot of really good information.

Tom Binder
Seniors Real Estate Specialist

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