Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Employment for Seniors
But, not only is it now more difficult to have secured that financial security, many people who reach the magical age, or number of years on the job, just aren’t emotionally ready to remove themselves from the active and social life that employment provides. Consequently, we are seeing many people who are in the “Senior” category either continue to work at their careers of many years, or maybe return to employment after a few years in a completely different line of work.
Employers are taking advantage of this because it can be a source of workers who have experience, are reliable, have a strong work ethic and exhibit a lower rate of turnover. Also, Seniors are often willing to work only part-time and have a more flexible work schedule than a younger employee with family responsibilities at home.
So, if you are considering going back to work to gain a little financial freedom to do more, or to afford a few luxuries, or if you just want to re-engage socially with a set of co-workers, don’t be afraid to start your search. There are a lot of resources that specialize in finding the right match between employers and seniors.
And who knows? You might find a whole new career that will give you a good adjunct to your current income.
Good luck on your search.
Tom Binder
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Heart-Healthy Holiday Season
The two I like best are:
1. When going for the chocolate, start with "dark chocolate with intense flavors and savor a small piece of it. If it keeps you from eating that whole box of milk chocolates, it's done the trick."
2. When shopping, "take the stairs. Or pass up that parking space closest to the store and walk a little farther. Every step helps." You know my feelings about exercise: we never get enough!!
You can read the entire article by clicking on the link below.
So, don't wait until your New Years resolutions start on January 1. Start now to help your heart stay healthy over the holidays.
Happy Holidays
Tom Binder
Campbell Senior Resource Fair, January 20, 2009
for seniors in Santa Clara county?
Stop wondering and come by the Senior Resource Fair to visit 50 vendors who service seniors. This is for all people 50+ years old. Open to the general public. You will meet many service providers that can answer your questions.
Come to: Campbell Community Center: Orchard City Banquet Hall
1 West Campbell Avenue
Campbell, CA 95008
Refreshments and great door prizes! Sponsored by Senior Roundtable
See you there.
Tom Binder
Monday, December 15, 2008
What is a Grandparent
WHAT IS A GRANDPARENT?? (Taken from papers written by a class of 8-year-olds)
-Grandparents are a lady and a man who have no little children of their own. They like other people's.
-A grandfather is a man & a grandmother is a lady!
-Grandparents don't have to do anything except be there when we come to see them.
-They are so old they shouldn't play hard or run.
-It is good if they drive us to the shops and give us money.
-When they take us for walks, they slow down past things like pretty leaves and caterpillars.
-They show us and talk to us about the colors of the flowers and also why we shouldn't step on cracks.'
-They don't say, 'Hurry up.'
-Usually grandmothers are fat but not too fat to tie your shoes.
-They wear glasses and funny underwear.
-They can take their teeth and gums out.
-Grandparents have to be smart. They have to answer questions like 'Why isn't God married?' and 'How come dogs chase cats?
-When they read to us, they don't skip. They don't mind if we ask for the same story over again.
-Everybody should try to have a grandmother, especially if you don't have television because they are the only grownups who like to spend time with us.
-They know we should have snack time before bed time and they say prayers with us and kiss us even when we've acted bad.
-It's funny when they bend over, you hear gas leaks and they blame their dog.
This helped me understand my grandkids!!!!
Tom Binder
Friday, December 12, 2008
Seniors Real Estate Specialist
As our expected life span continues to increase and the average age of our population increases, the Real Estate community has recognized that this shift in demographics will result in a new set of housing demands. And almost every issue dealing with housing will have its own special twist related to Seniors. Consequently, a special training program has been developed to help REALTORS® understand these requirements and opportunities. And those who take this special training are awarded the SRES designation.
Some of the topics covered which can be unique for Seniors include the following:
-Homes with features specifically to accommodate the needs of Seniors
-Overall concept of “Universal Design”
*Capital gains issues with death of spouse
*Tax base transfer when moving
*Tax base step up with death of spouse
*Tax deferral on investment property through Internal Revenue Code 1031 Exchanges
-Aging in Place resources and services
-Services available to assist in logistics of moving and downsizing after many years in one home
-Estate Planning issues and need to utilize an estate planning expert
-Housing alternatives for Seniors
Recognizing the constantly changing rules and regulations, SRES provides us a newsletter and frequent programs to help monitor all of the relevant changes. In addition, we participate in organizations and meetings like the Senior Roundtable to develop a network of service providers for Seniors so that we can bring the best expertise to our clients when needed.
I will be pleased to discuss housing issues with anyone who may be thinking about making a change. Also check my earlier postings, Staying in Your Home or Downsizing, http://wgseniors.blogspot.com/2008/11/staying-in-your-home-downsizing-or.html and Caregiving for Seniors, http://wgseniors.blogspot.com/2008/11/caregiving-for-seniors.html.
I hope you're farther along with your holiday preparations than I am! I really should start doing some shopping soon!!!
Best regards
Tom Binder
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Baby Boomers' Plans to Move
One in four baby boom generation households (26%) expects to move from their current home in the future, with the majority looking for a single-level home that is more comfortable or convenient, according to a new survey prepared for AARP.
Echoing past surveys, most boomers (79%) say they would like to stay in their current home for as long as possible. Some – less than 10% -- said they would like to stay in their current home but don’t think they will be able to do so.
Many of those who expect to move said they will be looking for a better house, a better climate or a home that is closer to family and friends. More than half of those boomers (age 45-64) planning to move expect to look for a home that’s all on one level (59%). About half said they will look for a newer home (50%) or a smaller home (49%).
The poll conducted by Opinion Research Corporation for AARP was released to coincide with the announcement of the 2008 Livable Communities Awards from AARP and the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) honoring innovative thinking in the field of home and community design.
Older boomers are significantly more likely than younger boomers to think that they will move into a single level home (68% vs. 54% of those planning to move), but age is not the only factor that affects expectations. Boomer men are more likely than women to believe they will move into a newer home (61% vs. 42%) or move into a home in a warmer or better climate (41% vs. 25%) Boomer women are more likely than men to think they will move into a smaller home (54% v. 41%).
Monday, November 24, 2008
Thanksgiving Vacation
If you are a new reader, please take time to check out my previous postings and add any comments to complement my ideas. And if there are any specific topics that you would like me to research for you, please let me know.
So in case I don't get back on early this week, my best wishes to you for a very Happy Thanksgiving.
Tom Binder
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Willow Glen AARP meeting: Monday Nov. 24
Dave will be accompanied by an Elder law attorney who specializes in Estate Planning, Lisa Bryant.
So this will be a great opportunity to hear the most current information concerning the management of your finances and to ask any questions to some real experts.
All visitors will be welcome and refreshments will be served.
Hope to see you there.
Regards and have a great day.
Tom Binder
Friday, November 21, 2008
Senior Dogs for Seniors

But dogs can also be a very positive addition to the lives of seniors. They can bring companionship and result in all kinds of enjoyment and new experiences. And the Senior Dog Project promotes “Senior” dogs as the best way for Seniors to acquire a companion pet. Some of the benefits of a mature dog that they identify are:

-Won’t chew inappropriate things
-Knows what “no” means
-Good at giving love
-Instant companion
-Time for yourself; fewer demands
-Are mature, won’t change over time;
-you don’t need to start with a puppy!! Most of us know “puppy” stories that might discourage anyone from getting a dog.
Information about the Senior Dog Project can be found at:
Golden retrievers are my absolute favorite dogs. When I see one being walked in my neighborhood, I always need to stop and visit. There is a golden retriever rescue program that acquires unwanted goldens and make them available to good homes; check this at: http://www.golden-rescue.org/
Walking your dog can be really good exercise for both you and the dog. But don’t forget your plastic bags (this responsibility isn’t really all that bad), and the bending over to clean up after the dog is additional exercise.
Hearing about your experiences with dogs will be interesting for all of us.
Have a great day.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Time for exchanging your rental property??
Many people who have invested in property are probably wondering to themselves: “What the heck should I do now??” Does the current Real Estate market allow any opportunity to make, or reason to make, changes to my investment property portfolio? In many cases, the answer can be “yes”!! And executing a 1031 tax-deferred exchange now could provide some definite advantages.
Owners of rental homes or multi-unit rental properties could find this an excellent time to exchange into different property investments and accomplish a variety of investment goals:
1)Portfolio diversification: numerous smaller properties, and properties in other areas
2)Exchange non-income-producing raw land for rental units that can create positive cash flow.
3)Exchange a fully depreciated property into a higher valued property that can be depreciated further.
And if you’re tired of managing your rental properties after all these years, exchanging into a Tenant-in-Common investment (TIC) can relieve you of a lot of work, improve your cash flow, and diversify you into other geographical areas that offer better property appreciation.
So instead of hunkering down and just doing nothing because the Real Estate market is going through a transition, you can take advantage of the situation to make some very beneficial, and maybe overdue, changes to your investment property portfolio.
Let me know what you think. And comment with your opinions for other readers.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Humor for Grandparents

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Joy Johnson - Our Exercise Hero
Joy started running in her late-50s and has become one of the best Senior runners in the country. Maybe the best!
Joy has won her age group in the NYC marathon for 5 of the last 11 years. And when she found that her running time was beginning to drop off this past year, she decided to just train harder. Training at Willow Glen High School, Joy started doing extra speed work, and running the bleachers. And as a result, she improved her time for the Marathon by 50 minutes.
I also do some running at WGHS and when I see Joy doing her workouts, she is a real inspiration for me.
Have a great day
Tom Binder
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Seniors: GET MOVING !!
AARP earlier this year got a lot of people started on a walking program "Step Up to Better Health" and passed out pedometers to all participants. See a summary of benefits of walking at http://www.aarp.org/health/fitness/walking/a2004-06-17-walking-numerousbenefits.html
And a few little hand weights is all you'll need to get started on a good strength program.
Following are website locations for National Institute on Aging and National Institutes of Health that provide a lot of great information on the benefits of exercising.
Exercise, in addition to just making you feel better, will also prevent or delay diseases like diabetes, heart and vascular problems, and many diseases associated with being overweight.
While virtually everyone can benefit from exercise, it is a good idea to check with your doctor before the start of an active exercise program. If you think you want to have the help of a personal trainer to get started, let me know an I can pass along a couple of names.
My daughter Katie, who is a doctor, tells me the story of interviewing a patient and asking him if he gets any exercise. He said "Sure; every time I want a cigarette, I need to walk downstairs, go outside, smoke my cigarette, walk back in and walk up the stairs!!!" That's not what I'm suggesting!!!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Caregiving for Seniors
But what now??: A whole new set of challenges !!
At the beginning of the last century, the average life expectancy for newborns was 47.3 years. Today it is 77.8 years!! And that is only the average, as we all know people who are living well into their 80's and 90's. While that sounds great, this change in demographics for our population presents new challenges that society is just now beginning to understand and tackle. And one of the biggest challenges: what types and quantity of services and resources will be needed and how will they be delivered as the proportion of “elderly” in our population increases significantly. The term “caregiving” has evolved to generally include this broad range of services.
A short, but not comprehensive, list of some currently available options for elderly “caregiving” could include the following:
-Family caregivers
-In-Home Care Providers
-Home Health Care
-Adult Day-Care facilities
-Independent Living Communities (IL)
-Assisted Living Communities (AL)
-Dementia/Alzheimer’s Care
-Retirement Communities
-Rehabilitation Facilities
I will not even attempt to detail the specifics of each type, but will mention that the traditional approach has been that the family of the elderly person actually performs all of the caregiving. As we enjoy these longer lives, it is becoming more and more unrealistic to expect family caregivers to continue to provide all of the caregiving. With families being spread all over the country, with special medical care being needed, with special facilities being required, and with caregiving needed over much longer periods of time, families cannot cope with all of these issues.
Most families don’t do any real planning for the caregiving of their elderly until it is crisis time and something must be done quickly, or until the old approach of family members carrying the entire burden collapses because the work is overwhelming. And by then the primary family caregivers need their own special help. My goal is to raise the issue for you before the crisis comes.
If you have needs now or can see them on the horizon, I can provide contact information for true experts in this field who can help you determine a game plan for being prepared and moving ahead. Please either add a comment to this post or email me directly with any specific questions or needs, and I will get an expert to help with providing the best information.
Tom Binder
Friday, November 14, 2008
Computer Classes for Seniors
If you are reading this, you just might be well along the learning curve for the Information Age. But there may be a lot more to learn that will make your computer so much more useful, and fun.
There is no question that access to the Internet has become our window on the world and puts an unbelievable amount of information literally at our fingertips. Regardless of the scope of our interest in daily activities, from worldwide politics to local Willow Glen book signings, the Internet is the most comprehensive and the most accessible source of information.
And communication!!!! I once proposed that we change the name “computer” to “communicator” since the greatest usage of the PC is really communicating with family, friends, and just about anyone. But no takers!!
And once you have your PC, there are so many ways it can be used to support your other activities. Downloading pictures from your digital camera, and emailing them to family anywhere in the world can be come the easiest way to preserve and share memories. And buying a book online, or making travel reservations online, or just checking the latest sports scores and schedules and be done quickly and accurately with very minimal effort.
The SeniorNet classes are designed for people over 50 and you can select from a wide range of courses that will complement your existing knowledge. So whether you are a computer novice, or already have a good start along this path, there will be SeniorNet courses that will be valuable, and fun, for you. And they are held locally at the Willows Senior Center at 2175 Lincoln Ave. Check at http://www.snlcsj.org/ for specific information.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Is now the time to sell your home??
1)Timing: If she is going to definitely move within the next 2-3 years, now is probably as good a time to sell as anytime soon. Nobody knows what the housing market will do in the near term future, but there isn’t a lot of hope for a positive change soon. And with prices in most areas declining, selling sooner would seem better than selling later.
2)Equity: Since she has owned her house for many years, she probably has a significant amount of equity built up in her home. Three years ago, home equity seemed to be a great place to hold your assets. But that isn’t true now and a good financial planner could assist her in taking the proceeds from selling her home and investing in much safer income-producing assets.
3)New home: And where she intends to live after selling her home will affect her decision. If she wants to downsize to a smaller, single story, ground level condo, then she needs to also work on the issues of buying a new place, and now is a great time to do that. But if she is planning to move into a Senior Community, then financial stability and investment cash flow numbers need to be worked out.
And things like capital gains tax and tax base transfer all need to be considered.
Let me know if you have any related questions about selling your home.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
AARP Willow Glen
The program for the next meeting, on Monday, November 24, will be “Your Retirement Assets-How to Make Them and Keep Them”. This is a very timely program in light of the current problems in the financial markets.
In addition to the monthly special program, each meeting includes a legislative report which brings members current with how our state government in Sacramento is dealing with issues affecting Seniors.
The meetings are the 4th Monday of each month at the Willows Senior Center, 2175 Lincoln Avenue, in Room 11. Also each meeting includes refreshments plus time to socialize with other members.
Senior Humor of the Day
01. Kidnappers are not very interested in you.
02. In a hostage situation you are likely to be released first.
03. No one expects you to run--anywhere.
04. People call at 9 pm and ask, did I wake you?
05. People no longer view you as a hypochondriac.
06. There is nothing left to learn the hard way.
07. Things you buy now won't wear out.
08. You can eat supper at 4 pm.
09. You can live without sex but not your glasses.
10. You get into heated arguments about pension plans.
11. You no longer think of speed limits as a challenge.
12. You quit trying to hold your stomach in no matter who walks into the room.
13. You sing along with elevator music.
14. Your eyes won't get much worse.
15 . Your investment in health insurance is finally beginning to pay off.
16. Your joints are more accurate meteorologists than the national weather service.
17. Your secrets are safe with your friends because they can't remember them either.
18. Your supply of brain cells is finally down to manageable size.
Have a great day!!!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Staying in your home or downsizing
– Location/Convenience
– Family
– Social
– Lifestyle
– Independence
– Familiarity
However, as we age, there are other issues that should make us evaluate whether staying in the same home is really the best decision. These can include things like:
• Home Maintenance
• Available Services
• Financial Requirements
• Transportation
• Family/Neighborhood/Transportation
• Caregiver Access
• Health/Safety/Security
There are many circumstances that can cause the challenges to outweigh the reasons to stay put, and downsizing can then be the best alternative. In addition, downsizing to a new location can actually better solve many of the perceived reasons not to move. A better location can make vital services more convenient and help resolve the general transportation problem. And most important, a new home can be selected to specifically solve some of the difficulties being encountered in your existing home: steps to negotiate, narrow hallways, inaccessible storage areas, and availability of a required caregiver.
What is the best alternative? What do you think?
Prop 60 and Prop 90 Related to Proposition 13
The first rule is that one of the parties must be 55 years or older. (Make sure to confirm cooperation from the County in question prior to making a decision based upon this information as the participating areas and counties occassionally change their acceptance policy).
Proposition 60 applies if you move within your same County Proposition 90 applies if you move to a co-operating County.
Props 60 and 90 apply if you "trade down" (i.e. the new home costs less than the sales price of the old home).
> If you buy a New Home 1st; then sell the Old Home, you must go down in price.
> If you sell the Old Home1st; then buy the New Home: In 1st 365 days after the sale of Old Home, you may go up 5% in the purchase price of New Home.
> If you buy New Home more than 1 year from the sale of Old Home, but less than 2 years, you may go up 10%.
You have to buy down and take your base with you OR
You can purchase a home for what you sell for sales price + 5% within the 1st year after you sell OR
You can purchase what you sell for sales price + 10% after 1 year from sale of prior home.
IE: a $2 million sale would mean you could buy maximum $2.2 million after 1 year.
CAPITAL GAINS: The other issue that you MUST talk to your Tax Accountant is the possibility of Capital Gains in the sale of your home. If you have had your home long enough to still have your Proposition 13 in effect, your basis is probably very low. In the sale of your home, you will have an exclusion of $250,000 each, ($500,000 per married couple), from taxable gains – gains over that amount - chances are pretty good that you may have a taxable gain event.
Since its passage, Proposition 13 prohibits property tax increases until property ownership is changed.
If either spouse is over age 55 (when the old home is sold), PROP 60 allows replacement of a primary residence with a new home of equal or lesser value (but see below) within the same county and transfer of the Prop 13 assessed valuation from the old home to the new property. This is allowed once in your lifetime, and a spouse who has done it before 'taints' both spouses.
PROP 90 allows counties to elect to accept transfers of Prop 13 values for moves from other counties when a primary residence is replaced with a less expensive (but see below) home. If you are over 55 and move into a county which accepts Prop 90, you may take your old, lower Prop 13 value, regardless of from which county you move.
Using Prop 90, you can sell your $400,000 San Francisco home [assessed value $80,000] and move to a new $300,000 home in San Mateo; the new San Mateo assessed value will be $80,000!
7 COUNTIES WHICH ACCEPT PROP 90 (Current as of 6/1/2008)
Alameda, Los Angeles, Orange, San Diego, San Mateo, Santa Clara, and Ventura. [Contra Costa, Inyo, Kern, Riverside, Modoc, Monterey, and Marin have dropped out of the Prop 90 program.]
As always, speak with your own personal Tax Consultant prior to making any moves involving your tax basis.
Dawn O'Neal
Welcome to Willow Glen Seniors blog
I will be posting information on many different subjects and will be soliciting information from experts on those subjects in which I have only little knowledge. So please feel free to comment on any of my Posts and ask any questions that might make the information more useful to you, your family, or your friends.
In addition, I have included links to some additional web sites, Senior Sites, that might be a primary source of information for you. If you have any suggestions for the Willow Glen Seniors blog, please let me know.
Best regards and have a great day.